Do HDCDs sound terrible on non HDCD players?

Being an analog guy I have but a small collection of CDs and only a handfull are HDCD encoded. All of them sound terrible on my non HDCD player with thick lower midranges, smeared, closed-in textures and a general lack of cohesiveness. For reference my player is the original Rega Planet and the HDCDs are as follows: Olu Dara, In This World, Steve Earle, El Corazon, Garcia and Grisman, Shady Grove, Neil Young, Silver and Gold. Any opininons?
I have a fare amount of HDCDs in my collection. I've tried them both ways and in my opinion they generally sound better through an HDCD decoder. I have however heard of a few dacs that do the job as good if not better without the HDCD decoding feature. I personally think you'd be happier if you could in fact decode the HDCD format, but with a small collection it may not be worth the investment.
They should play like any regular CD on a non HDCD player. Have you heard them on a HDCD player? They may sound that way in any format. What kind of cables are you using with your Planet?
Glen, no doubt they would sound better on a HDCD player but I like the Planet for the balance of my discs. Sugarbie, I use several pairs of interconnects, switching them out, Kimber KC-1, Alpha Core Micro Purl, and Audioquest Quartz. The KC-1 sounds the best with the above discs as it is leanest and most focused.
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