Do HDCDs sound terrible on non HDCD players?

Being an analog guy I have but a small collection of CDs and only a handfull are HDCD encoded. All of them sound terrible on my non HDCD player with thick lower midranges, smeared, closed-in textures and a general lack of cohesiveness. For reference my player is the original Rega Planet and the HDCDs are as follows: Olu Dara, In This World, Steve Earle, El Corazon, Garcia and Grisman, Shady Grove, Neil Young, Silver and Gold. Any opininons?
Glen, no doubt they would sound better on a HDCD player but I like the Planet for the balance of my discs. Sugarbie, I use several pairs of interconnects, switching them out, Kimber KC-1, Alpha Core Micro Purl, and Audioquest Quartz. The KC-1 sounds the best with the above discs as it is leanest and most focused.
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Can't really be the system as all other discs sound fine. Perhaps, as posited above, it is the particular HDCDs. If anyone has specific experience with the ones listed it would be interesting. I wouldn't change the system though. Do the math, 3500 LPs and 60 CDs of which exactly four are HDCDs. I'm not exactly committed to the medium.
Sounds like it is the cables to me. I had similar results with Kimber and Audioquest when I demo's them a while back. Try a pair of Nordost Blue Heaven (used around $100 to $125). Or borrow some if you can. If out of your budget, then the Nordost Solar Wind.
Sugarbie, all CDs sound fine except for HDCDs. How can interconnects be the culprit? Perhaps the DAC; maybe someone else has a Rega and can throw some light on it.