Which cables and ic's would you choose?

I am putting together the following system: Avalon Eidolon Speakers, Edge Amp and Pre, and Accuphase 75V cdp. Which speaker cables and ic's would you recommend? Cyrus
Granite Audio #470 Silver Interconnects (99.999%)

Bear Lab Silver Lighting Interconnecs (99.999%)

Cardas Golden Reference Speaker Cables
Check out the Virtual Dynamics Audition cable package offered here on Audiogon. It's a promo deal, offering for less than 1/3 of retail. I have used his power cords, and they are, in a word, incredible. Check out the website, www.virtualdynamics.ca, and give Rick a call. He's very knowledgable and enthusiastic about his work.
Hi Cyrus

I have used Siltech SQ-28G3 interconnects,with my Accuphase DP-65V,and Siltech LS-80G3 Speaker cables.Awesome!!

Good Luck!
I second the Virtual Dynamics cable package. I loved his PC so much I outfitted the whole system with the reference stuff. Rick now offers cryogenic freezing for all cables if you are interested.