Best Pc for audio?

Hello, i want to know your thought about the best computers brand for audio purposes. You rather using a laptop, a mac or a desktop?
MacMinis rip quickly into AIFF. Small footprint. I agree with all the Mac guys above despite my wireless integration issues you can find in an earlier thread.

:) listening,

I choose a PC.

The Rain Recording Solstice, Offers fastest processing from AMD and comes with Built-in HD media connection
I'm not familiar with Mac, but how do you use iTouch? Ipod Touch? as a remote to Mac Mini?

Is Mac Mini quiet?
I think it depends on the type of music you enjoy most. I actully prefer to listen to music on my desktop.
We have tried both PCs and Macs, during the development of our latest product. All the Macs were spot on. The PCs went all over the map. Everything from "This sounds great" to "Are you sure that this thing isn't broken?" Same unit, same sound system, highly variable results when using a PC.

Wish I could afford a Mac.