Who will survive? One last table til I die.

I want to buy a final turntable (call it 25 years worth of use until I can't hear or don't care). I want to be able to get parts and have it repaired for the next quarter century. I would also like the sound quality to be near the top or upgradable to near the top for that time period. I don't necessarily require that the manufacturer be solvent that long (the preferable situation), but otherwise the parts would have to be readily available and the design such that competent independent repair shops be able to fix it. I won't spend more than $10,000 and prefer (but don't require) an easy set up that doesn't need constant tweaking. I'm willing to pay for the proper stand and isolation needed over and above the initial cost.

I've got 9,000 LPs, and it doesn't make sense to start over replacing them with CD/SACDs (although I have decent digital equipment) even if I could find and afford replacements. Presently I have a CAT SL-1 III preamp and JL-2 amp, Wilson speakers, Sota Cosmos table, SME IV arm, and Koetsu/Lyra Clavis/AQ7000nsx cartridges.

Thanks in advance for your input. Steve
And my last post was premised on the damping data alone, and did not even take into account the other important factors that may play into this matter.
Raul- If you really wanted someone like me to learn, how 'bout trying to teach by example? As you say, this forum is about learning- help me learn by telling me of products that exemplify your points. Maybe even let me know what you have so that I have a clearer understanding of your own point of view. In that way, I can truly learn from you! (That is your stated goal, correct?)


Dear TWL: Just checked out your system. Was curious about the Rottweiller tweak. Does it work best between the speakers or on top of them?
Suttlaw, that Rottweiler "tweak" can go anywhere he wants to! :^)

Typically, he goes right next to the listening chair, since he likes to be close to his "Dad".
Perhaps we can talk some time about the real weakness of tubes. Diminshed performance at the frquency extremes. Less than optimum perfomance when it comes to transient attack. See, the absolute sound issue 147 "tubes vs transistors" Can you get true dynamics from a two watt amp? What problems do horns or otherwise highly efficient speakers cause?
That's a new thread.
I always learn something from Rauls' comments. Unfortunately it's not always what he was trying to teach me. I think the point he was trying to make is that output impedance can effect spectrum balance. Fair enough! To say that you can't design around that problem in a tube amp goes to far.
Raul is right on another point. Paying attention to specs can help in trying to match components. For example amp and speaker should be thought of as a system in istself. Turntable, tonearm, catridge and preamp should be purchased as a mini system. All too often we go out and by the product of the month and jam it into an incompatible system. Many reviewers and salesman simply don't know how to match components. We also need to avoid the spec of the month club.
Thanks TWL for doing the research for us. I looked at the amp tests in Sterophile. I can see how Raul was misled( or misinterpreted the data.
Raul, keep punching! Converts are won one at a time!