Goldmund Studio-still one of the best?

I can buy one Goldmund Studio in Germany for 3500 euros, the shop claim that Studio is realy (and still)one of the best of all times.Now, i have Wilson Benesch The Circle with Rega RB300(1500 euros new) ,and renewed Benz Micro MC2.
Is Goldmund so much better like price shows, any other sugestions- better and cheeper than old Studio?
Goldmund Studio still beats out most of high dollar turntables. Yes it's T3 or T3F arms are bear to keep it in shape but that is what the Vinyl fun is all about. Once you get used to what is needed, it is not bad at all. Only part I would worry about on Goldmund Studio is the arm belt and they are expensive.

From the price Ziva mentioned, I don't know if that is due to turntable market in Europe or not but seems too high.
Great table - still! Pierre Lurne designed that table and the T3 Arm. His company is called Audiomecca and they make a similar table with a linear tracking arm that is superior to the Studio but still maintains the Studio/t3 virtues such as the best midrange I've ever heard. The table is the J1.
I live in Europe and know these TT's.
The Problem with the Goldmund is, that Goldmund is no longer in Analog Business. Some replacement parts for the T3F are no longer available. And when you are not able to align the arm and table properly, there are not many reasons for you to go for it.

The Well Tempered is a excellent choice and the price here is a bargain. The WT sounds excellent, the set up is simple, it holds the set up and you can change Azimuth/VTA while playing. Overall a superb player.

The Verdier is also very good, but hard to get 2. hand. But good sounding Verdiers need also some attention about fitting with the right arm, solid stand and so on.
I just received one tip from a friend-Airtaxi, about one "direct selling" brand (without dealers, like Resolution Audio in digital)which is Teres (, and it seems to be very interesting.
Any inputs on that brand?Can it be comparable to brands and models from this thread?
I owned a studio for 10+ years with a 3t and then 3TF. Wonderful table, a possible collectable, but this is seriously overpriced for used market, and from a music reproduction value. Unless you're into collectables, pass.