Who has actually listened to DVD audio?

I hear alot of gib jab about SACD and the future of digital sound as DVD-A. Has anyone actually listened to this format, and what is your opinion of the 2-channel sound of SACD and DVD-A vs. vinyl on a good system?
I bought the Technics DVD-A10 (list $1200 paid $806 and has a $100 rebate). The unit is an upper mid fi sound quality. Not as good as my rotel transport/Adcom600... BUT: on a lot of old CD's where the material is almost unlistenable by today's standards... the "24 word bit re'whatever' really works wonders. The old badly recorded CDs have a much smoother sound and are very listenable again. (my pre is the Adcom750 and amp is Forte 4a Infinity IIa speakers,Audioquest Midnight) The video DVD is only "average for the price point of$1200. I'm happy I got it. The DVD-A part is like: "where's the beef?" with NO discs created expresly For the format that I.ve seen... Cannot comment on the DVD-A sound
Yeah and also the last issue of Hi-fi Choice Mag in the UK has one of their resident experts discovering a flaw in existing DVD-A discs(the few there is) apparantly and I haven't read the article in detail the conversion in the sampling rate has been done wrong so it is not "true" 24/96...doh. Ben
Wow, are they ever going to get digital to dound like good vinyl? there is so much more information available to the DVD format, you would think this would be a great format to do so since the technology is in place for the movies? I would love to have true analog sound in digital simplicity.