Anyone heard a Musical Fidelity X-DAC?

I have found an X-DAC used for $69 and was wondering if it sounds as good as all the reviews claimed 2 years ago. I am looking to team it w/ an afordable (used) 5 cd carousel w/ digital outs (obviously). Also, any suggestions on a decent carousel w/ digital outs to be had used for $150?
My mistake, it turns out to be an X-ACT for $69 (too good to be true), predecessor to the X-DAC. I talked to one of the people at Audioadvisor and they suggested spending the extra $$ for the X-DAC. Although, it is good to hear that you are getting great sound from pairing the X-DAC w/ a multi-cd player. I need the convenience of a carousel (for my girlfriend) and the sonic benefits for myself. So, I'll just wait and watch until one comes on the used market. ps. The guy at Audioadvisor said that MF is phasing out the X-series "component in a can" models in the next 6 months.
If if can take optical output of CD Changer get an Aiwa XC37M. Sells new for $99.