Sony S7700 vs. Pioneer Elite DV-37

I am considering purchasing one of these units. Does anyone have an opinion for sound quality? video quality? The player will be used 70% of the time for CDs, 30% for DVD. Thanks in advance
I own the 7700 and I'm pretty happy with it. Well made, works well with my s-link enabled sony tv, great picture and didn't cost a fortune. You can buy them new for $575 off of It is detailed and sounds good, but you can tell it doesn't have the analog output stage of a $1200+ cd player. Its sound for movies is very good. For music, its sound is similar to the 500-700 rotel/denon CD player set. My adcom gcd-750 and my decade+ old conrad-johnson CD player both sound a little better to me. I've heard they make great transports.
I've been doing some shopping/auditioning for a new DVD/CD player to replace my Sony 550 DVD and Rega Planet CD player. I want something that has very high audio quality. In a price range I want to pay, the Pioneer DV-37 sounds (and looks) like the best choice. However, virtually every online store I have contacted is out of stock on this model, and don't expect more until mid-January. I've been told that Pioneer will be introducing the new DV-38A at the CES in Las Vegas in early January, but it will have a MSRP of $1800. After much deliberation, I have decided to get the DV-37, even if I have to wait 4-6 weeks for delivery. By the way, there was an ad on Audiogon about 2 weeks ago from "", listing DV-37's for $650. Their units are "as new", not demos, with full warranty, etc. Here's the Web link: There are also some reviews on the DV-37 on, and they are all uniformly excellent.
I just purchased a DV 37 from a contact I saw here on Audiogon. His name is Chi, but his audiogon name begins with "shin". He had me the unit the next day. The sound quality is incredible and so is the picture. Partially because the unit gives you plenty of options to fine tune your audio and video modes. Also sampling rates and progressive scan mode. etc. etc. You can find this unit, and it's worth it. The only unit I saw that came close was the new Sony 9000ES ($1500.00) I have a Naim CD5 for CDs, but I am playing some DTS audio CDs on the Pioneer=blissful. Neat experience especially Santana's Abraxas. Good Luck, Michael
Do a search for dv 37. Look for Shin5974. I bought mine from him last week. $650.00