Anyone tried the new and improved Zen matrix?

The dealers are advertising that the new and improved Acoustic Zen matrix with teflon tape has been compared to the Nordost Valhalla and beats it hands down.Anyone do this comparison? If this is true we're going to see a lot of Valhalla cables for sale "cheap".
You both have a point.But what struck me was the boldness of the comparison.I have never heard the Valhalla's but based on the rave reviews they are "the" cable to beat.If this ad ,affectionately known in the advertising business as " puffery" has any semblance of truth to it,then the Valhalla's are way over-priced at this time.Just a point I was trying to make based on the ad claim.I do tend to lean on the recommendations of fellow audiophiles(not to say that audio dealers aren't audiophiles) On the contrary,I believe they are or they wouldn't be in this business.It is their living though and they need our support.We are happy when we can find a good deal in Audiogon where we sometimes pay at or below dealer's cost.Someone,unless through factory-direct,bought these through a dealer.I feel for high-end dealers at this time because not only has the economy been tough but more and more factory-direct company's are by-passing them to get a share of what market there is and be competitive at the same time.What the future holds no one knows.We can only speculate,but in the long haul the consumer must have his needs and wants met.
I've got a pair on the way. I have the original version to compare them to so I'll keep you posted....
Thanks,Jaguar.I look forward to your comparison.I have a pr.of wow's which are still breaking in.I would really like to get periodic posts as the cable breaks in.I understand the zens take an unusually long time to properly break in.Should you find the new matrix substantially better,it might convince me to try one.
By the way,Jaguar.Have you tried other cables? I was curious if you had tried any of the Stealth cables.Also,do you prefer copper over silver and if yes,why? I have been told that silver is higher-voiced and copper is warmer-voiced,that silver has come a long way since the early days of being labeled with being strident and thin.I'd like your opinion and would either one be chosen based on system compatibility(i.e. silver good with tubes and copper good with solid state,etc) Thanks,Sherod
I just got a pair a AZ about 2 weeks ago. I've never heard the old style, but they beat my Transparent audio Super XL hands down. As they say, there was the lifting of a sheet of haze with these cables. More detail yet smoother, they where everything I could have hoped for.... and they are less expensive by 50% then the transparents. I am definetly off the transparent band wagon and on the Acoutic Zen. I am very happy with them, I am looking forward to replacing my trans speaker wire with AZ.