Hydra-what cords do you use to your components?

I'm curious what kind of power cords Hydra owners use from their Hydra's to their components? (not the hydra to the wall)

Does everyone tend to stick with Shunyata or go with other brands? And if so...what works for you?

JPS Power>Moth s45 SET amp.

BMI Whale Elite>AA DDS.PRO transport.

BMI Whale Elite>M.P.S. out-board power supply (feeds DDEv3.0/DTIPRO.32).

Stock Sidewinder>Hydra.

I did beta-test the new NEMA Python on the Hydra; excellant improvement - recommended.

I have one...it's the twist lock connector the Hydra uses for the AC input (the NEMA part) The Python part is just a Python powercord...
Try the Audioprism S2, it is amazing better than King Cobra 2 in quietness, image, bass but not as sweet. The S2 is cheaper but KC 2 will be discontinued and replaced by a more expensive and better one.
I have tried a few of the Audio prism power cords and thought they were good. Though I did not feel they were on the same level as the KC v2. I have also heard that the KC V2 will be replaced with a new cord. Not sure of the name, but it might be called the Anaconda, and should retail for $1995.00. Which would be less then the KC v2.
I have also been told that Shunyata will be coming out with their long awaited interconnects and speakers wire. I am told the interconnects will retail for under $700.00.I am not sure about the speaker wire. I guess they are VERY GOOD!

In my system I use a Khan to the amp,a KC with the digital and DR to the preamp. I have found, for me that this works best.

Thank you