Cable recommendation for Classe-Sonus Faber set up

My newly set up system comprises: a Classe 301 power amp, Sonus Faber Grand Piano speakers, Electocompaniet EMC CD player and Cardas Golden Reference Interconnects with Golden Cross speaker cables.

Midrange is smooth and the highs are well extended. My problem is a lack of pace and a slightly bloated bass. I've used every conceivable tweak like moving my speakers off the wall, dampening the walls and isolating my equipment. I am convinced the problem lies in the cables, especially the Golden Cross speaker cable. A switch to a old DIY pair of speaker cables validated my fears. The bass bloat was gone but with the DIY pair, I lost all the mid-range fullness and the highs were too fatiguing.

I am at a loss at what will be ideal speaker cables to complement the Classe-Sonus set up. My listening tastes are to the warmer side - don't want to lose midrange fullness but need a tight bass and good transparency. Anyone out there can recommend an ideal speaker cable/interconnect that will match my system. My budget is under $1,000. Any advice is much appreciated. Thanks.
Hello. I am using a CA-301 with Kimber SELECT 1111 and 1121 balanced IC with excellent results. A friend has the CA-401 with the Kimber SELECT KS-1130 --just awesome!Although he is using the very impressive Kimber SELECT KS-3035, the Kimber Monocle or BiFocal X or XL are also very good and also more reasonably priced.

peter jasz
I am currently running a Bel Canto eVo bridged with Virtual Dynamics Power 2 cryoed pc and Stealth Premier Copper single run speaker cables to my Grand Pianos and am very pleased with bass, the detail, the lack of edginess, and the bloom around the instruments. I am also using an Aragon Soundtage and a PS Audio Power Director. The vd power cords are available with trial period as well as the stealth and both owners are great to work with.
Is there a digital cable involved in your signal chain ? If so, try a Marigo Apparition 3A and see what happens. Another way is to try more different speaker positions. They can do wonders !