best cd player used under 2k.

i currently have a cal 15. good player but looking to upgrade (you now the feeling). i have read good things on naim 3.5; meridan 508.24 any other suggestions. thanks
I own a Sonic Frontiers SFCD-1 that was purchased used right here at audiogon. I have not regretted the purchased. I have done in home comparisons with CD players from Rotel, Proceed, Rega, and Audio Research. Everytime the Sonic showed me the way, excellent bass response, romantic mids and very extended yet non fatiguing highs(must be the tubes, I am using Amperex tubes in the output stage) I have seen them for as little as $1600 in the classifieds here. Good Luck.
Just curious, why spend 2,000 on a used CDP with outdated upsampling, dac, filters etc when you can get excellent new outboard DAC with state of the art electonics for well under 2,000?
Eric, newest Bel Canto DAC1 with updated power supply and tweaked board for $1395, MSB gold link dac $1395, Perpetual Tech P1a/P3a $1700 and others have all been extensively reviewed in major publications in the last year.....Sam Tellig just discovered the beauty of out board dacs last issue of Stereophile.