A search for great cables for electrostatics

Since it is so difficult to lesson to the various cables available to us or not because only a few cables are sold by our local retailers. This forum grants all of us a chance to benifit from the experiences of others. So those who have found cables and interconnects to their liking please share your experiences.
Blue Circle BC92 speaker cables and BC95 interconnects. Gilbert Yeung of Blue Circle used his Martin Logan's to design and demo these cables.
When I became a Sound Lab dealer, I went on a quest to find cabling that would give me the best possible demo. I eventually chose Magnan Signature cables. That ultrawide, ultraflat geometry has two distinct advantages for driving electrostats:

First, there is virtually no series inductance. Since electrostats tend do have a very low impedance at high frequencies, they are susceptible to having the very top end rolled off by series inductance. Even if the rolloff occurs above the audible range, we all learned from CD's that we can readily hear the loss of air from rolloff above the audible range.

Second, that wide flat geometry minimizes time smear from the skin effect, so the precise timing of the complex wavefrom is preserved. This is especially important with electrostats because a) they are coherent enough that it makes a difference (not always the case with cones and domes), and b) when time smear is eliminated dynamics subjectively improve, and if there's on area electrostats typically need a little help it's with dynamic impact and contrast. I've had customers tell me their amps play louder with the Magnan speaker cables. I think what they're hearing is the improved dynamics from the ultracoherence of the Magnans.

The Magnan cables tend to be a bit on the warm side.

In all fairness, let me point out that the geometrically similar Goertz cable also works well (especially the AG-2), but I personally prefer the Magnan. The Magnan is to the best of my knowledge the ultimate expression of the wide, thin geometry.

The next step up is the Nordost Valhalla. Going down in price from the Magnans, the Analysis Plus (which also addresses skin effect and series resistance) works quite well.