Sony ES CD Player Cult--which sound best

There seems to be a cult for the big Sony machines, especially the 77ES, 777ES, 779ES, X707ES, & XA7. The SACD models start after these. Some say the 77 & 779, for example, sound better than the XA7. Others say that's absolute nonsense. Since the X707 is an improved 779, I would think it would be the best for those who think the older ones were better. The XA7 & the SACD players that follow it have the stationery laser mechanism. Is it problematic? It sounds kind of weird to me & I wonder if it will prove to be problem prone or wear out early. Sony Groupies, answer & be counted!!!
I can't say about those Sony CD players, but I can say my 777ES SACD makes for a much better transport than my Sony 7000 DVD player.
have been using 77es for ten years. mounted on zoethecus stand it is killer. play trough tube preamp and 300b mono amps. bliss.later models do not sound different enough to bother about. feel no need to upgrade. spending my time collecting fast disappearing vinyl.
Can the SACD-1 be used to drive power amps directly? If so, has anyone tried it? How does it sound?
I've used the 707 for the past four years. While the build quality is outstanding, the sonics are by today's standards only good. Used stand alone it has a pleasant sound -- warm bass, clear midrange, but not particularly open highs. It clouds over some of the differences between good recordings. That said at current prices ($400-600), it's a great value. I've recently replaced the 707 with a Sony SACD, but I'm going to hold onto the 707 for a second system. It's a long term keeper product. If anyone knows of someone doing "upgrade" mods to this unit, please reply.
Onhwy61, is your 707 the 707esd (older) or the X707, which is 6 years newer.????? Just curious.