Highly Polished wire????

Here's one for all those Mat Science gurus..
OK we have all read this... "polished to a mirror finish to further reduced surface impurities.... Polished with what?

Seems like the cure worse than the disease? Wouldn't you introduce more impurities by polishing with a foreign substance. What's the secret formula to remove "impurities" without introducing new ones???

Is it just marketing hype?

- Dan
Dan everyone knows shiny wire performs better, its gospel for christ sake! lol Very good question though. ~Tim
When metals are "polished", it is actually a process of removing metal until the surface of metal is very shiny and very clean. It's not like waxing a car where the "polish" is rubbed in and left on the car. The polishing agent can be any of many abrasives ranging from coarse to extremely fine, ie polishing rouge which is, of course, continuously removed in the process.

The other way of "polishing" might actually be plating with a metal of high conductivity-- gold being the most common plating material because it doesn't tarnish. Plating is different than polishing, and the plating metal + the bond are very important audio considerations. Cheers. Craig
That is a great point. If you use sand paper you are going to leave minute traces of Aluminum Oxide on the wire. I would suggest cleaning it afterward with water and a mild detergent. Just be sure to dry it very well to stop corrosion.
OK say we do polish with a rouge, wouldn't by the act of polishing embed even more particles of the rouge into the metal. High purity copper and Silver are not the hardest metals on earth. Seems that the only way to polish would be to chemically treat them. Once you remove the Copper Oxide or Silver Oxide it immediately starts to form again. I am not doubting there is stuff on the surface of the wire that should be removed from the manufacturing process,like grease and stuff, but just wondering if the process of "polishing" by physical contact adds more than it removes. Would be interesting to hear how companies like Nordost "polishes" their wire. Anybody have any clue about this process?