My Stan Warren DVD Player Arrived Yahoo

Just wanted to let you guys know the Pioneer DV-333 DVD Player I sent to Stan Warren in early December came today. It was ESP also. I have never bothered him before, but I was curious how his back log was doing, so I decided to call him from my office. He was not in. Amazingly, when I got home it was on my porch waiting for me. I then called just to leave a thank you on his ansering machine and he was in. We talked for over an hour (glad for 5 cents/minute). FYI, he is out of his favorite CAPs, and has 5 machines waiting for the order to come in. Don't know what else he is working on. I'll try to post back later here or a new one and let you know how it sounds once it breaks in. He told me 100 hours will get it to 90% and a month to get the last 10%.
Before a critical listening session, I stick my head in the freezer for about fifteen minutes. It tightens up my eardrums which in turn allows me to hear beyond 20KHz. Due to the 22.05KHz limit on CD material, the difference is more pronounced on analog sources. In a pinch, a ten pound bag of ice from 7-11 in a salt solution will do the trick.
I do just the opposite. I got an Easy-Bake oven at a garage sale, and bake my interconnects for about 3 hours, then turn off the oven and let it cool with the wires still in there. Speaker cables I leave in overnight, which seems to get rid of RFI. In a pinch, you can use your regular oven, but make sure you place the wires on a pizza stone, or in a Reynolds roasting bag. 200 degrees for 45 min., then turn and broil for 10 more minutes. A dash of salt adds warmth, without any loss of detail. Pepper improves soundstage width, but at the expense of depth. Not too much, though. I once used whole peppercorns and the soundstage completely collapsed. Gotta go- the timer just rang, and I don't want to overcook my crossovers. Times: 1st order- 10 min., 2nd order- 20min. NEVER bake a Linkwitz-Reilly.
Ha! Ha! Wireman, make sure you don't under cook those cross overs. I've been told they will sound sterile, maybe cold, but definitely not warm.
Follow up on March 9, 2001 --- The CD Player was worth the trouble getting. It does not quite have the "heft" in the bass of a megabucks player, but the rest is excellent top to bottom. Considering the megabuck players are 5 to 6 times more expensive, the Modified Pioneer is impressive. Very good stereo image. My old redbook CDs sound better than ever.