Azimuth&Bias on HIFI test record

I bought a used Grado cartridge on the 'Gon. When I go to set it up, everythings runing smoothly VTA, tracking force, alignment. I then listen to the HiFi test record to test azimuth and bias. Concerning azimuth, the text suggests that the test tone should disappear, when the amplifier is switched to mono, because the signals will cancel each other out. Now my question, should there be dead silence or just a reduction in the test tone? On my set-up, when I push the mono button the tone is greatly deminished but, not completely gone. Concerning bias, on the test record they have you listen to a test tone. Supposedly you adjust your bias/anti-skate to smooth out the high frequency test tone. On my system the tone seems to modulate. Do I increase the bias until the tone stops modulating? Would like any advice from those that have experience with using test records. The Grado Platinum is mounted on a RB300 which is attached to a P3. So what's the scoop Analog elders?

Thanks for the compliment as I was a little nervous about writing. So many people here know much more about these types of subjects and it's a little intimidating.

I'm sure about the canitlever statements I made. While I don't have a clue as to the construction inside a cartridge it must have a suspension of sorts which is, by its nature, very sensitive and prone to damage. If one has too much anti-skate the stylus will still want to track the groove as the tonearm tries to keep it from doing so. The result would be a cantilever that is more or less permanently tweaked to the side.

I actually saw this when an acquaintence asked me to look at his table. I had brought my blank record and after seeing the stylus pushed way to the side tried the blank. It confirmed my suspicion. We left everything as it was except for the anti-skate which we adjusted, played a few junk records while we watched tv and lo and behold it was more centered in the cartridge body. The next time I went over it was back where it belonged. Damage? I don't think it helped the mechanics of the cartridge to be mistreated in that way but it sounded fine. I suspect his records took a hit though. This kind of stuff is what makes buying used vinyl so "iffy".

Anyone reading this that takes issue with what I've said please be kind to me. These are honest observations and I still don't know if my rationale is right on. Enlighten me if you know the truth.
I don't use a test record. All my records are "test records". I just play them. I adjust everything by ear.

No azimuth adjustment on a Rega arm, except via shims. The above info on checking azimuth seems right to me.

On a mid to high compliance cartridge, if the bias is terribly off, it is easy to see by looking at the cantilever from the front. If it is angled off the center by the record during play, it is way off. With these more flexible cartridges, you can check for a basic center by looking at it, and then fine tune by ear. With low compliance cartridges, it is a little tougher because it won't be easily seen by looking.
Thanks Tom. Lugnut and I are both right? Must be a good day! BTW, what would we hear with a non-optimal anti-bias setting? Channel/image imbalance? Harsh HF's in one channel?

I was talking about the bias tracks but certainly didn't state it clearly, thanks. It's just like you said. Hey, wanna swap one of those bum cartridges? I've got an ADC XLM that should track at .75g on an Illustrious. Deal?

I didn't bother with the HFN record after my last cartridge realignment. I'm either getting lazy or pretending I can hear like Twl!
MY 2CENT`S, Everything you have said is good.I also use a small level, I sit it behind the two screws on the headshell.that tell which way to ajust the arm.I might be wrong,but hope not.Thank all of you for your input.
First off, thanks for all the response. Thanks to 4yanx for clearing up the question on dougdeacon's response. I always thought there must be something wrong with me cause I could never get all of the "esoteric" clues and directions on those test records. I also use regular records for testing also, especially adjusting VTA. I once read a thread were TWL suggested using your ear to adjust VTA, I never thought I could do it but I have gotten better. Shoot when I first started down this road I thought the VTA riser I bought for my Rega was to raise the cartridge to clear the record for when I was using the cueing function on my table. Matching cutter head angles meant nothing too me. I also found an interesting article on anti-skate, "buzzing in the right channel indicates more anti-skate force is required, whereas buzzing in the left channel indicates that less anti-skate is required." ( In this same article he mentions the HIFI record azimuth test. He states to adjust the azimuth until the signal is deminished. Lugnut, I do use the turntable basics mirror alignment tool for cartridge alignment, I guess now I can use it to check azimuth also. 4yanx I will try using the turntable basic's mirror for the azimuth test that you mention, also. Thanks TWL for reaffirming every one else's views too. I will also check on the cantilever angle when I get home at 5:00 am and start my listening session! happy spinning