cables 101? The brands and differant sounds?

Please explain the differance in sound you experienced when substituting new cables & IC/s. Please identify the brand/model and use. I hope this forum may help others like myself group cables not just by price but by there attributes.
Once again Sean is right on. Many (even all) may say that one cable is bright or another dull, etc.. My limited experience suggests that we tend to use overly broad terms (and strokes?) when trying to help very specific issues. Cables can be the final touch in getting a system to click. We are trying to use cables as a type of equalizer more often than not, whether we want to admit it or not. Sadly we do this in a very hit or miss fashion. At this point in time trying alleviate one point or to emphisise another can only be done through trial and error. While generalizations can narrow the field down to usable size, you still need to do the work, to make it work.
Alas, cables are a necessary "evil". The best sounding cable would be no cable at all. Sean,Psychicanimal, and Unsound pretty well said it all. I wish we didn't have to use cables but there are flavours and prices for everyone....remember, that cable you buy may never have been used on your particular components by the manufacturer. You have to try before you buy.
I realize that none of these postings give solid answers, just theory. If you list your associated equipment, maybe someone with a similar system could advise you. With cables, it always boils down to personal preference and system synergy.
"Alas, cables are a necessary "evil".

That's like saying a speaker is a necessary evil, since the best sound would be coming from a "quantum" device beaming the sound waves directly into your brain, thus eliminating the need for amps and speakers.
But what choices do you have if the technology is not there yet? I think the same applies to cables. they are a most important device and as long as we are not getting offered "cableless" components, we just will have to deal with cables. Or do you look at your component's power cords as necesary evil also?
I am sure the day will come when every amp will have its own, built-in little atomic power plant , but until this day comes, we will have to deal with power cords.
There are some general observations. Transparent and MIT tend to roll-off the highs due to the networks, but have very strong bass unless you go for the reference versions, which are quite good in most respects. Goertz laminated ribbons, Nordost Valhalla, Empirical Clarity7 and Analysis-plus all have very low-inductance so dynamics, imaging and high-frequencies will be good.

With other cables such as Cardas, Tara Labs, Kimber, Straightwire, Monster and Audioquest, you really need to try them with your system.