Sony SACD Monsters: Already Obsolete?

I am wondering if their massive SACD-1 and 333 players will be discontinued or reduced now that you can buy the well reviewed DVD/SACD combo for only $1500. Does anyone have any experience with either of these machines? I am willing to pay a bit of a premium for build quality, durability etc but could they really sound that much better? Are there any bargains out there yet?

The SCD-1 has not been discontinued as far as the current press releases are concerned. According to the dealers, the 777 has indeed been discontinued.
Gmorris, and others, I stand corrected. Thought I read that, apparently not.

Senility is a tragic thing ... especially at the age of 22. No wait ... that was 1980.
I read in the April issue of Stereophile that Sony dropped list price of the 777ES from $3500 to $2500. This sounds like an inventory correction move if they also ceased production (not mentioned in the article however).
Joyful sound,Pioneer has a SACD/DVD -A player that
costs just under $5000. I went to their USA website,but it was not listed here yet.
ok, lets clear some things up. first of all, the scd-1, 777es, and marantz sa-1 have all been discontinued and what is remaining in the field is it. the drop in price was sony's way of saying "we know you'll like this format so we are going to drop the price so more people can experience it." inventory correction had nothing to do with it cause every mail order company that had them sold out in a day and some even had waiting lists (save a few companies who always overcharge). at one point the 777 was available for 1500 but after discontinuation they were hard to find for that and then the ones you did find were $2500+. as for the combom sacd/dvd player, it only plays dvd-videos and chesky dad's. no dvd-audio cds will work with it. the units all use very different transports as well. the 777/scd-1 and sa-1 all use the sony top of the line transport, whereas the 9000es uses a different unit. the one in the the 777/scd-1 will be the same one used in the krell, classe, etc. it is already being used in the $28,000 accuphase. as for being obsolete, i think the term you are looking for is "legend" or "classic." these two units (especially the 777) will definitely be remebered and possibly hold their value very well for some time to come.