Outboard Processor Question?

I am looking at possibly adding an outboard processor such as the Cal Audio Gamma or Sigma to my Sony CDP-C701ES changer. The sony has an optical cable connection only for outboard. My questions are is this changer worth the cost of an outboard processor such as these and would I notice a substantial change with either of these processors mentioned. I like the changer for the 5 disk capability and the Cal Audio's would fit perfectly in the limited space I have. Thanks for any input.

brian: when you say the sony has "an optical cable connection only" for digital output, do you mean the connection is toslink or st? the answer to this question has a rather large effect on the answer to your question. -cfb
Kelly, i think that the Sony's use a Toslink.

There is a guy on AA that uses a Sony megachanger with a CAL Sigma II DAC. I know this because i sold him the CAL ( i bought a dozen or so and got a good deal on them ). He swapped a tube in the Sigma and thought it was a DRASTIC upgrade over the stock Sony unit. He said that he was finally able to understand what people meant by "musicality" and "liquidity" after doing this. As far as i know, he has made quite a few changes to his system, but the Mega Changer and CAL are still with him. Sean
The CAL Gamma is a very musical DAC for the money. I used one with great results. If you could stretch your budget, a Theta Digital Cobalt is a big upgrade over the Gamma. A Theta TLC and/or a Monarchy DIP along with true 75 ohm digital cables will really make your system sing!
Correction on my part. It is a Toslink Cable connection. It sounds like the Sigma would be a pretty good improvement? It is connecting to SF Line 1. Any cable recomendations? Thanks for the help guys. I'm kinda new to the forums.
I have had great luck with my sony multi cdp running the toslink to a SF jitterbug than to the processor. This also converts the signal to rca output. My multi cdp player also benifited greatly by using cones.
Good luck