Old Philips CD as transport or new playe

I need help with an upgrade. I have a 10 year old Philips CD-50 CD player, which happens to have a digital out. I see my options as:
1. Use the Philips as a transport and buy a reasonable (e.g, MSB or Perpetual) DAC; or
2. Toss the Philips and get a new player or transport-DAC combo.

Can I get some input on whether a 10 year old player (original retail about $300) will mate well with a new DAC or is it too old to be worthwhile and I should buy a new player/transport-DAC? Prefer to stay around $1,500.

BTW, the rest of my system is Plinius SA-100 Mk III amp, Rogue 99 pre-amp, into Coincident Super Eclipse speakers.

Thanks for the help!!
I am in the same boat. I have phillips cd-80 about 10 years old and am considering upgrading to a tubed unit either a CJ or sonic frontiers unit any suggestions? Thanks
Prfont: Of course I did, are you kidding? When I get any piece of gear in my home (especially one that does not cost me anything) I audition it up one leg and then down the other. I preferred the sound of the Icon II to that of the 506.24 in my system (when running them om their own). The CAL was richer and a tiny bit more forward sounding with a heavier bottom end and fuller mids. The 506.24 had more detail going for it but was just not the sound that I like in my setup. However in my friends system which has full range speakers, and is a SS amp/tube pre combo system, the 506.24 was my preference as the CAL had too much bass and on this we both agreed. I guess that it is always best to audition first.
If you have an "old" philips deck with the venerable 1541 DAC chip, you can easily mod it for 1x non-oversampling.
There are threads over in/on audioasylum on the subject.
Preconceptions aside, you will be amazed how good it can sound.

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I have a Sony ES87 changer that has been left on for over 9 years and played nearly everyday ALL DAY LONG (for my pet birds) and myself when I was 'sort of' listening. So that's 9 years times 365 days times 10 hours a day...32,850... a little off for the odd times and that's way over 24,000 hours of playing CDs on one machine that in 9 years time never broke down. (currently the data cable from the optics to the circuit board has an intermittent short and I am to lazy to try to fix it but if I do it will STILL play for how much longer???