Scratched discs - what do to?

I can't be the only person with this problem. My new GamuT CD-1 is wonderful, etc. (see my system), but it is sensitive to scratched discs. Email from the designer indicates that he decided on sound quality at the expense of robust correction (which, I guess isn't 'correction' so much as 'guessing').

Unfortunately, I have a good number of old discs that have been around the block a time or two--lent to friends who leave them out and stack them, caseless; carried around NYC in sub-par cd wallets (mea culpa); dropped, forgotten, lied to...

How can I fix them? I have heard of a number of products--potions, polishers, scrapers...

The following is a purely ad-hoc list of possible solutions. Can anyone comment? I'd love to just buy one that works instead of building a library of products that don't.

Novus #1 Plastic Cleaner
Novus #2 Fine Scratch Remover
Novus Perspex polish
Allsop cleaners ?
Brasso polish ?
Discwasher CD scratch repair kit (cleaner and polisher liquids)
Discwasher CD Cleaning system (turntable thingy)
BlueNote Galaktos CD treatment
Nitty Gritty Pure CD Fluid
Auric Illuminator kit - gell and pen (does this fix scratched discs?)
Mapleshade Mikro-Smooth polish
Mapleshade Optrix (enhancer?)
Finyl cd cleaner
Disc Doctor - Miracle CD Cleaner
Walker Vivid Cleaner kit (marketed as an enhancer, not a scratch remover.)

I'm leaning toward the Mapleshade combo--they seem to have good feedback on their website (not surprisingly), and the products seem fairly priced. Anyone here used it? (Anyone used their Maple platforms?)

Thanks. I will report results back here.

Forgot to mention one more thing 'bout GamuT CD-1:
I realy saw it in the demo room played abused(I mean realy abused caseless laying arround player and on the top as well) CDs with no compromise so I'm not sure if it has such design problems.
I too have used the Maple shade platforms, iso locks and triple points but to get the full improvement I think, all three devises need to be used and you will get slightly better bass, more detail, and a smother sound, I bought there B stock as the platforms get scratched up from the cones so for $105 including iso blocks this is one of the best tweaks for the money spent! as for the Micro smoth it works very well on scratched CD but be aware of the Optrix as it leaves a haze on the CD and it's not easy to remove, Maple shade says I'm not wipping the CD properly and that's BS so use Optrix at your own risk! Happy Fixen!
I've had good luck with DiskDocter. Severely scratched CDs are playable again. So far, its rescued everyone I've tried.
I've used Auric and it allowed a machine to play a disc that was previously locking the machine up i.e. total shut-down in terms of audio output. It works but also alters the sonics. My personal advice is to NOT use the marker on the CD's, but others may have differing opinions and experiences. Sean