Too snobbish for SACD as it exists?

Perhaps I am wrong, but I get the feeling that the reason SACD players have not been as successful as hoped lies with the fact that the very persons for whom the benefits of the higher resolution format are appreciable are hesitant to put a Sony, Marantz or Pioneer product in their systems. A product like Krell, CJ, Levinson, etc.,while usually significantly more expensive than the aforementioned "mid-fi" brands provide the purchaser with a certain cache and a greater level of satisfaction, albeit sometimes a psychoacoustic contribution to the listening experience. I, personally, would be more willing to spend more on a quality SACD player from a true high-end company, however elitist that may sound, even knowing that I may be paying for diminished returns. I just wonder if there is a large pool of high-end consumers waiting to see what marquis companies will introduce before they commit to the format.
Like Craig I have a Ca9ES and an Xa7es. Both are good players, the Xa7 being as top notch and accurate a redbook cd player that exists, most likely. personally, I think Sony makes some great stuff. Sure, they make some junk too, but when they do it right they really do it right: Xa7, SCD-1, SCD-777, etc. If anything, I have almost a reverse bias on all these so-called high-end companies that take Sony (or others, like Teac, Pioneer, etc) guts, then slap on something trendy like a machined case or some tubes, and call it "way better".... that's bullshit. (the Tjoeb comes to mind) Different maybe, and perahps nicer looking but not necessarily better sounding. Whats' important, a nice looking box or better sound? (or, in the case of stuff like the SCD-1 and Xa7, have your cake and eat it too). Too many people get hung up on the cachet value of something like a wadia or Bat VKd5se, when something for 1/2 the price either matches or crushes it. I'll keep the $2000 in change, thanks.

An analogy: Ferraris are considered by many to be the epitome of sports cars. However, until the 355/360, most of their stuff was not all that fast on the track, difficult to drive, ergonomically weak (interiors), etc. (talking about cars like the 328, 308, and other precursors)... they'd easily get walked on at a roadcourse by something mundane like a Honda (I have several), VW, etc... (speaking from experience here). Same deal with Sony - sure, doesn't have the sex appeal of a Ferrari, but lap times (eg. good sound) talks and bullshit (fancy machined case) walks. ;-) All IMHO of course.

This is a minefield but I like the commentary submitted. I own a Sony DVP9000ES & think it is a real bargain for the money. After I purchased my Krell unit I remember reading a review that the transport was sourced from Teac. In speakers & digital, a lot of companies can't go to the expense of making a total product so they buy from other companies, modify it & put their name on it. On digital gear bigger power supplies & better capacitors can make a dramatic difference. But I firmly believe that the best way to decide what brand to buy is plug it in & try it out. If I have to strain to notice a difference; I take it back & try something else. Getting hung up on certain names Or ignoring others could result in your missing the opportunity to improve the sound of your system & probably save some bucks too. Larry
I never really though about the brand names, but I did see some photos of 9000ES players on Ebay a month or so ago that had champagne finished cabinets (instead of black) and feel that my market is getting the shaft in the looks department. The ads stated that this finish was only offered on the Asian market for this model.
9000es finish is gorgeous in black laquer! The sound? Well its only Sony. When I will win lottery I will buy Accuphase for $28 or car or something. I will offer my take on the situation. Many people simply happy with RedBook and have inertia to move to DSD technology. I see it with many of my friends. The biggest problem you cannot desribe Mona Lisa, one has to see it. Solution I see in old fachion American culture: advertisment. When time will be right (I hope) Sony will flood TV with ads: apple pie and SACD or whatever.
Cheers, Simon
Jmslaw, I brought this up on another thread and I do believe it a factor. But I think that a bigger reason that SACD has not been as successful as hoped lies in the software. Sony continues to try to dominate the software market for SACD and it seems like it is hurting them in the hardware end. I think they nedd to flood the market with software at prices that can compete better with the redbook cd. In doing this they would reach more people, creating a bigger pond, if you will. I think, maybe they don't do this because now they control the software and the hardware, and they fear if SACD becomes as popular/affordable as redbook they can no longer dominate the market. If the software becomes more prevelent you will see more high end companies jumping in the pond. I think right now the high end manufacturers are playing safe, like many consumers, maybe afraid to bet on a format that is not yet established. Software is the key, IMO.