CD/DVD transport VS. CD only transport

Hi. I am now being bit by upgrade bug and thinking of upgrading digital transport. Now I am using; Pioneer DV525 (great mod by Dan W), Perpetual P1A/P3A, and SF Signum + Musica. Due to space concern (wife concern also), DVD capability is preferrable. I did some research and there are a few so-called high-end DVD/CD transport, namely Theta and Muse. Some say in general that DVD player can never be a good CD transport. Does this general concern apply to those 2 brands? If not, I would like to go with DVD/CD trasnport, and further would like your recommendation. Muse 9 (includes audio analog section) is better, or Muse 8 transport (I2S)? Is Theta still serious about audio (website seems to indicate their clear direction to visual and surround)? Any other comment?
Any input is extremely highly appreciated!
I think Theta is going home theater. Not familiar with Muse products all that much. If you can make room in your budget for Theta, then you should check out Meridian. I think their top-o-the-line DVD/CD player Reference 800 has been highly praised.
Hi, I have a Muse 9 sig. Replace my Wadia 850 and Marantz DVD. It's awesome. Money very well spent on my part. That's exactly the reason I went with the Muse, serious about 2 channel audio.
Jfrech, so are you saying that there is no "compromise" in Muse's combination of DVD/CD capacity for 2 channel audio transport? Do they have without analog output version of 9? Like I said, I have faith in my PT DAC and would like to utilize it. Ken