CD/DVD transport VS. CD only transport

Hi. I am now being bit by upgrade bug and thinking of upgrading digital transport. Now I am using; Pioneer DV525 (great mod by Dan W), Perpetual P1A/P3A, and SF Signum + Musica. Due to space concern (wife concern also), DVD capability is preferrable. I did some research and there are a few so-called high-end DVD/CD transport, namely Theta and Muse. Some say in general that DVD player can never be a good CD transport. Does this general concern apply to those 2 brands? If not, I would like to go with DVD/CD trasnport, and further would like your recommendation. Muse 9 (includes audio analog section) is better, or Muse 8 transport (I2S)? Is Theta still serious about audio (website seems to indicate their clear direction to visual and surround)? Any other comment?
Any input is extremely highly appreciated!
Hi, I have a Muse 9 sig. Replace my Wadia 850 and Marantz DVD. It's awesome. Money very well spent on my part. That's exactly the reason I went with the Muse, serious about 2 channel audio.
Jfrech, so are you saying that there is no "compromise" in Muse's combination of DVD/CD capacity for 2 channel audio transport? Do they have without analog output version of 9? Like I said, I have faith in my PT DAC and would like to utilize it. Ken
With the sliding out of the analog output board and sliding in of the digital output board, the Muse Model 9 can be quickly converted to the Model 8 transport. Both are outstanding. The Muse is a GREAT DVD player too.