Is it worth it to buy the Cable Cooker?

Have read some of the previous posts. Just wanted updates , as more people now seem to use it. Also anyone who has one in the NYC area please Email me. Thanks.
It saddens me to see the re-birth of the past. Paulwp you are a poor reincarnation of 706...., Steve and others from the past who have been "asked" to leave this web site.
"I need proof" try your ears!!! Or are you too stubborn like the others to open your eyes? If you truly believe everything is scientifically provable well than I'm sorry for your small mind and world. The proof is easy, try it, try other un-provable tweaks. I'm guessing you never have and are so sure of your narrow opinions that you will continue to miss all that your system is capable of.
The unprovoked attack made by you to Sean and by association to me is not to be tolerate by this site. I strongly advise Audiogon to reprimand you for these tactics. If you have a problem with Sean, your expressions here solved nothing other than to dis-credit you in the Audiogon community.
The reference to "toasting cables" on the signals website is found by going to prices, then cables, then scrolling down to the white text on a dark picture background.

706 and Steve were militant wire-is-wire trolls who wouldnt let people ask for or give advice about cables. I was around then and no one associated me with them. And you dont see me joining all the cable threads that come up on this forum. I hear differences in wires and amps and cd players, and have chosen the ones I use on the basis of my own listening, but respect the pov of those who say we really should use some controlled blind tests before we assert as a fact that one thing sounds different from another.

I have nothing against you, Jadem6.
Obviously, Paul has a problem with me / my comments but is not willing to share what those problems are. At least not publicly. All i can say is that my email is always open to those that want to reach me, good or bad. Sean
Well Sean, I can not imagine what it is that got to Paul. You are maybe the most honest and knowledgeable guy I know. You have done a lot of DIY projects and have shared more knowledge than I'll ever have. I do know you to have opinions, but I'm always amazed at the honesty. The fact that you do indeed know the benefits of cables, but do not believe in paying the cost of manufactured cables, thus pushing you to experiment on DIY cables proves you have no set beliefs. You have continued to surprise me over the years from my perceived notion of you and what you end up sharing. I do know you have had a few run-ins over the years with some people here, but I've never seen the reasons. I only hear the repercussions later. You are one of the guys I look to for your thoughts, and enjoy your immense knowledge. Thank-you for your efforts, I appreciate it.
Well spoken J.D. I can only second that. The cable's still cooking by the way. I plan to cook only one side of the pair for direct comparison with the uncooked side. Cheers,