PC that wont change my amp's personality ?

My amp is a Classe 301. The reason I like Classe is that when used properly , it provides a somewhat tube like sound from solid state. On my digital side I use a VD nite, which works very, very well. Ive tried the Nite on the amp. The benefits are it does turbo charge the amp , and does make it sound somewhat more like a "live" performance. I can understand why some people would like the VD Nite on their amp. The downside is The Classe loses its tube like personality, which was the reason for the Classe purchase in the first place. Budget is approx $400.00 used. Already have dedicated 20amp lines and Wattgate recepticles. Suggestions?
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Sure let me clarify. I currently am using the stock cord. However that cord is getting a little shoddy and I notice if it has a bend in it, no current gets through. {all other cords I own can handle a similar bend} I like the natural sound of The Classe. I feel the VD brightens it, and Changes the amps personality. I am in need of a new cord, and all I want is efficient power delivery w/o any change in tone. My experience seems to indicate that some cords are ideal for digital, less than ideal for amplification, at least as a matter of personal taste. However on the Classe, I want to at least equal , or more hopefully improve the performance of the Classe, but the cord must be neutral. I do not want a cord that will change the perception of the tonal balance. That aspect Im very happy with.
Contact Sergeui at Stealth or Steve at Empirical for a recommendation. You could also try a used Cardas Golden Reference....
Darrylhifi, I've used an MIT Z II for 3 or 4 years with my ca200 with good results. I've tried others and prefer the mit - the difference over the stock cord is slightly deeper soundstage, better imaging, and a more relaxed presentation. I feel it simply enhances the "Classe" sound which I feel is exactly how you described it. I also have dedicated 20 amp lines.