PC that wont change my amp's personality ?

My amp is a Classe 301. The reason I like Classe is that when used properly , it provides a somewhat tube like sound from solid state. On my digital side I use a VD nite, which works very, very well. Ive tried the Nite on the amp. The benefits are it does turbo charge the amp , and does make it sound somewhat more like a "live" performance. I can understand why some people would like the VD Nite on their amp. The downside is The Classe loses its tube like personality, which was the reason for the Classe purchase in the first place. Budget is approx $400.00 used. Already have dedicated 20amp lines and Wattgate recepticles. Suggestions?
I think Zaikesman has some very good points.. What i did
was find out what the designer of the amp im using is using
for his own system and thats what i bought for mine.
So far its been a great match for me. I figured he pretty
much can use anything he wants and has tried many different
flavors. It also turned out that the cord can be had for
pretty cheap compared to some others. Call the company and see what you can find out?
I like the Audience Power Chord. You can get them for less than $300 here. Also, to add my $.02, in my experience, the PCs have more effect the further upstream you go. Amps seem to be the least affected by PCs, although there can be some changes, usually positive. Usually, I'm fine with leaving a stock 12 gauge power chord in place for the amp.
All very good thoughts. Some manufactures market certain cords for digital, power etc. Virtual Dynamics does not. On my Preamp , the Integra Research RDC-7 , which is of course a digital product, the VD sounds great. Now before I upgraded to the Classe , I had the Big Rotel. I never tried it, but I think I would have liked the VD on the Rotel. But the Classe is a different beast. Its meant to be laid back and sophisticated in its presentation . Thats my issue. I like the above post to get feedback from Classe on this. A very good thought. And maybe, just maybe, all the Classe needs as stated above is a simple 12 gauge design. Thats for the responses.
By Accident {they dont advertise it} I found out Classe sells their own upgraded PC for 200.00 , or their is one more expensive, specially made for their Omega line by Cardas. But my hunch was correct after talking to Arman, at Classe. For Classe a simpler design with a lower gauge {10} is best.