scd 777es sacd sony mod worth it?

hey. there is a gent (think he's a memeber here) who seems like a straight-up guy over the phone. he does mods for the 777es which, he says, really opens up the sound stage and mellows the highs. his name's richard and his website is

just wondering if any people have done this mod and/or have thoughts about doing it. it's pretty cheap. i like the 777es as is but who knows what i'm missing.
equipment used with it:
arc vt100mkII
arc ref1 line
space-tech phono
oracle delphi mkI tt
acoustat mod III speakers
vandersteen 2wq sub

as always, thanks in advance.
No, haven't heard of anyone else, Kubla. Mailed them yesterday for a progess report about mine.
hey detlof, light a fire under their butts or something. let us know if they give you an ETA. i think i'm more excited about it than you are.
Hey Kubla, what in your opinion, what is the audiophile word on the modded 777es, does it sound better than a turntable and lastly is ther any way to put a tube inline someplace to make it warmer and less harsh and more liquid in the midrange? Thanks for your consistency.
Samcard, take a look at my posts here and on other SACD threads. In short, Jerry Ozment can add his tubed output stage from the Audio Logic DAC to the 777ES, with a separate analog power supply, and bypass its analog stage. I'm very happy with the result. SACD sounds "different" from a good turntable to me in that it lacks analog's warmth, but it sounds similar to a turntable in terms of openness and ease of presentation (something I never felt CD gets right), and better than a turntable in ultimate dynamics and fidelity to the source. I still ultimately prefer my turntable when I want to relax and get lost in the music, but SACD is very close. I don't know if it will ever be more than a niche product, which is a shame as it is a step forward from CD, in my book.