My VPI Scout has arrived

After finding a little rock encrusted on the side of the box, I started sweating.....

But VPI packs the TT's very well, and no damage whatsoever, but to the foam.

Its a breeze to setup, and mine was up to spec pretty quick.

I am very very happy with this TT,,,,,its just quite an eye opener how good these things sound...I do get a jolt of static after I remove about teh 3rd LP....Is a rubber mat the only solution?

Here are a couple of pics: First LP's played were Richard Thompson's This Old Kit Bag and Mock Tudor...
The cart is the Dynavector DV-X20...

a couple of pics:
Congratulations, Jsujo. You will enjoy it!

For the static, you can try a Zerostat. But I would not add a mat.
Jsujo,nice pics ,ive had my scout for about a year and love it,plenty of upgrades available too,have fun!
Congrats on the new table. I am aspiring to one myself. I am going to go cheap on the table for a few months but get a good phono-pre and cartridge. Then step up to the VPI. My collection is growing and I need something quick to play it on.

Is VPI going to offer the 300 rpm motor on the Scout any time soon? Is it really much better?