What cables should I get?

I'm in the process of upgrading my system, one component at a time. My present system: Njoe Tjoeb 4000 CD Player(2003)
Adcom GTP 500II Preamp(1992)
Adcom GFA 535II Amp(1992)
Klipsch Heresy Speakers(1984)
Monster Speaker Cable(1984)
Monster Interconnects(2000)
Monster Power Cord(2000)
I plan on upgrading the preamp to an AES AE-3 DJH Signature and the amp to a Cary Rocket 88 (the tube bug has got me). I plan to keep the Heresy's. I need a 15' pair of speaker cable, and 9' of power cord to run to a power strip. My taste in music is varied with an increased interest in jazz and classical. My present system tends to be bright, which I understand is typical of horn driven speakers. I expect the new preamp/amp combo will take care of this problem. I hope to keep the total cost of cables in the $500 range. Signal cables recieve rave reviews from many audiogoner's. Any suggestions/opinions are greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I've used the Homegrown Silver Lace interconnects with good results using the same pre and similar AES amps. I'm using Coincident CST speaker cables which aren't bright at all.
If you already have IC and speaker wire you may consider running dedicated lines, and pick up a power conditioner first, Ps Audio Ultimate Outlets.
I think wire like signal or any of the DIY stuff is no better than what you currently have so I think the $500 you have can be spent in better places. If you are going to make alot of component changes in the near future dont do the wire first stick with improving your AC, wall outlets, Ultimate Outlets, etc.. first!
Happy Listening!
Completely agree with Jsawhitlock. Wait for the new preamp and amp. When you hear them through cables you are already familiar with, you'll hear more obviously what the preamp and amp are doing. Feeding everything with clean power really helps especially as you're ready for fine tuning.