Need Help Subsonic Filters, where can I get one?

I have rumbling in my LPs, the warped ones, etc...and my tempest pre-amp's phono section does not have a subsonic filter, where and how can I get one and what works?
Please, advice!!!
Buscis2...I agree that a rumble filter and/or a LF equalizer like the Richter scale, is a "bandaid". So is the use of expensive vinyl playback equipment. So, for that matter, is the RIAA equalization curve. Bandaids are often practical.

However, to really fix the root problem of LF noise you need to adopt digital discs or tape. (This would not be necessary if DBX LPs had caught on).

Eldartford, I would also have to assume that you practice the use of heartburn medications instead of avoiding foods that give you heartburn?
It HAS been kinda dull around here Eldartford. Thanks for stirring things up!
Buscis2...As you will note (by reading my comment) I think that the best thing is to avoid the problem. I don't eat much vinyl. But when I do, my rumble filter avoids distress.
Eldarford, Do I detect a tone in your voice?

Being the non-confrontational, peace loving individual that I am, I would prefer to decline any further discourse, and instead would like to formally invite you over for dinner, just in order to maintain a non-animous rapport.

Let's see.....

Our menu could consist of:

Beethoven/Symphony No.7 (A DBX encoded LP)

Followed by.....

Beyond The Sound Barrier (ANOTHER) DBX encoded LP)

And as a palate cleansing finish.....

Tums. (Cherry Flavored)

Our time could also be entertained by discussing antiquated, miserably failed, unaccepted technologies developed as "band-aids" in order to attempt to repair problems that should not have existed in the first place.

A good time is surely guaranteed for all.

Please R.S.V.P. A.S.A.P.
An expedient response is requested.

Most Respectfully, Ed.