Need Help Subsonic Filters, where can I get one?

I have rumbling in my LPs, the warped ones, etc...and my tempest pre-amp's phono section does not have a subsonic filter, where and how can I get one and what works?
Please, advice!!!
Eldarford, Do I detect a tone in your voice?

Being the non-confrontational, peace loving individual that I am, I would prefer to decline any further discourse, and instead would like to formally invite you over for dinner, just in order to maintain a non-animous rapport.

Let's see.....

Our menu could consist of:

Beethoven/Symphony No.7 (A DBX encoded LP)

Followed by.....

Beyond The Sound Barrier (ANOTHER) DBX encoded LP)

And as a palate cleansing finish.....

Tums. (Cherry Flavored)

Our time could also be entertained by discussing antiquated, miserably failed, unaccepted technologies developed as "band-aids" in order to attempt to repair problems that should not have existed in the first place.

A good time is surely guaranteed for all.

Please R.S.V.P. A.S.A.P.
An expedient response is requested.

Most Respectfully, Ed.

Buscis2...I gather that you still have DBX encoded records. All my objections to the vinyl medium (well almost all) are put aside when we talk about these discs. I no longer have them, but when I did I thought that they were as quiet and as dynamic as digital discs. A bloody shame they died.

I guess I would categorize DBX encoding, like RIAA equalization, as a "band aid" on the basic recording media, but a very effective one. To extend the medical analogy, if the symptoms are completely relieved, you really don't need to cure the disease.
Oh, with a great degree of reluctance I have to admit, Yes. I still have the DBX records I mentioned. I actually had about a dozen of them (I think that was the complete DBX library). I gave them all away yet these two managed to hide and avoid transfer of ownership.

My opinion of the DBX format was very much like yours. As I am sitting here reading the gatefold cover, I am still amazed that DBX claimed a 90db dynamic range through their use of "Linear Decibel Companding". It DID work. I had actually started with the original 3BX. That unit was the ORIGINAL all discreet unit. The rack mountable 3BX and 4BX units that followed used ICs.

The use of the 3BX in conjunction with a Luxman 10 band parametric equalizer and a DBX 222 tape noise reduction unit was the cats ass. (That was a whole BOX of band-aids).

All that shit back then "daisy chained together". Let's see , if memory serves, it went from Pre Amp to EQ, EQ to DBX, DBX to Noise Reduction, Noise reduction to Tape Deck, Tape deck BACK to Noise reduction, Noise reduction to DBX, DBX to EQ, EQ to Pre Amp and finally Pre Amp to Amps. I always firmly believed in the shortest possible signal path.

And now I cringe just thinking about using a separate power amp.

P.S. What about dinner? We could forget about the Tums.
buscis2 (Ed)
Play nice with El, that word (INCOMING)at the end of his second post, could be a reference to a Scud or low flying crusie missle.

I believe he designs missle guidence systems for a living, and may have one aimed at you.

Eldartford, what is the difference between a mechanical engineer and a civil engineer. GIVE UP ?????

A mechanical engineer designs weapons of mass destruction
A civil engineer designs site of mass destruction

HTH, Dave
Davehrab..."INCOMMING" suggests that I am prepared for a violent reaction to my comment.

The fact that Ivan did not nuke you over the last few decades is due in no small part to the fact that the Fleet Balistic Missile program was an awesome deterent. My job was to guide the missile to an intended target, so that the destruction would not be "mass".

We had a story that we told new employees. In the USSR there is a missile base with weapons aimed at US cities. Five miles from the missile base is a school for Russian girls. It is filled with 18 year old blonde beauties. Our job is to make sure our missile hits the base, not the school.

In a larger sense, we always knew that if our systems were ever used, our program would have been a failure. Thank God we never had to launch one in anger.

That would have caused phono pickups to bounce off records for miles around. Terible!