Need Help Subsonic Filters, where can I get one?

I have rumbling in my LPs, the warped ones, etc...and my tempest pre-amp's phono section does not have a subsonic filter, where and how can I get one and what works?
Please, advice!!!
buscis2 (Ed)
Play nice with El, that word (INCOMING)at the end of his second post, could be a reference to a Scud or low flying crusie missle.

I believe he designs missle guidence systems for a living, and may have one aimed at you.

Eldartford, what is the difference between a mechanical engineer and a civil engineer. GIVE UP ?????

A mechanical engineer designs weapons of mass destruction
A civil engineer designs site of mass destruction

HTH, Dave
Davehrab..."INCOMMING" suggests that I am prepared for a violent reaction to my comment.

The fact that Ivan did not nuke you over the last few decades is due in no small part to the fact that the Fleet Balistic Missile program was an awesome deterent. My job was to guide the missile to an intended target, so that the destruction would not be "mass".

We had a story that we told new employees. In the USSR there is a missile base with weapons aimed at US cities. Five miles from the missile base is a school for Russian girls. It is filled with 18 year old blonde beauties. Our job is to make sure our missile hits the base, not the school.

In a larger sense, we always knew that if our systems were ever used, our program would have been a failure. Thank God we never had to launch one in anger.

That would have caused phono pickups to bounce off records for miles around. Terible!
Can you share with me the coordinates for that "Russian school filled with Blond 18 year old girls."

Doh Svidahn'Ya, Dave (;-}

Dave, Why set yourself up for a devastating blow of this magnitude? The coordinates for those 18 year old girls will be of absolutely no consequence to you.

Having a beautiful 18 year girl old admire you because of the fact that you remind them of their dearest grandfather could be considered extremely detrimental to your ego.

Not to mention your libido.

An even more extreme level of devastion will be experienced when Gloria (The General), finds you and Eldartford, plotting coordinates to russian school houses containing 18 year old blond girls. Eldartford can't even embrace the wonders of analog, nevermind embracing someone female, 5'8''tall, 120 lbs, with a body as hard as the sound of SACD.

Dave, My suggestion to you would be to go back downstairs to your listening room and play with your Symposium rollerblocks.

Your ego and your libido will fair much more favorably.

Doh Svidahn'Ya to you too.

Respectfully, Ed.