Is there a SS amp that can offer tube bliss?

I currently own a tube system and love the sound. But honestly I'm not sure if I have the proper disposition for this tube thing. I cannot stand the constant worry over tube wear, looking around for NOS tubes, and wondering if maybe...just maybe my system will sound better if I spend still more money on different tubes. I would love to find a SS amp that will give me what my tube gear does and rid me of the worry about maintenance and the discontent inherent in tube upgrading. I've heard the Clayton M100s are wonderful and offer a "tube" sound. Any other SS amps to replace tubes? Any advice is most welcome.
Thank you.
Gliderguider...I hope you realize I was jerking your chain :)
Yes, engineering does have a lot to do with it. Many years ago I built a Heathkit preamp. It had what seemed to be miles of hand-twisted and shielded wire, some of it encased in spring-like outer sheaths. It was very difficult to construct. It hummed. The next preamp I built was a Dyna Kit. It had not a single piece of shielded wire, was easy to construct, and (almost) dead silent.

The good tube equipment that I have heard does not hum enough to be a problem. (Audible only with volume up and no signal). On the other hand, I have never had any hum from SS equipment, except when there was a ground loop needing correction. I think this is because ss circuits run at low impedance, and are less susceptible to magnetic fields.
Yes, I just couldn't pass up the "Glenn Gould" crack :-)

It has amazed me, though, to hear less noise from a combination of tubed DAC, tube preamp and tube power amps, than I was used to hearing from my SimAudio 4070 sand amp.

Engineering is king.
These are very nice sounding amps that don't sound solid state, very wide/dep soundstage and very musical.
