How to set up Heavyweight w/RB 600?

I am sorry for silly question but when i put Heavyweight on RB 600 with a 10gr nut removed and slide it all the way in,the weight is still on the Heavyweight's side.The weight is dialed at 0.Even if i dial up weight to make the arm float,which is around 2 grams,i will not be able to dial an additional 1,8 gr which is required for Dyna 10x4 cartridge.Help.
Overhang, I noticed Sdcampbell had posted just before my post and we are both on the same page regarding bypassing the arm's stylus force adjustment. Just one clarification: you need to turn the adjustment PAST the arm's 3.0 gram setting in order to disengage the tracking force spring. In other words, turn the tracking force ALL THE WAY UP, PAST 3.0 grams, until you cannot turn the adjustment any further.

Now the spring has been disengaged. You should now be able to slide the Heavyweight forward towards the pivot to obtain the correct stylus force.
Oh,Ok,thanx.One question though:should i remove the 10 gr nut from the bottom or not?My Heavyweight is Express Machining counterweight for Rega.I don't have any gadget to adjust the stylus force so i will put the stock weight back in till i purchase one.
See if i got it right:i dial the weight all the way past 3 gr mark,disengage the spring and set the stylus force by sliding Heavyweight back and forth.So all my playback after that will be with a spring disengaged and the weight dialed all the way?Right?
Your summary is correct, Overhang. If you decide to buy the Shure SF-2 stylus force gauge, you can get it from several different sources, including Audio Advisor, and Jerry Raskin's Needle Doctor. There are several much more expensive digital-readout tracking force gauges, but the Shure gets you very close for very little money.