Essential TT/Cartridge Set up tools

After much fretting...I've deciced to go with an VPI HW19MKIII with a Rega RB300 arm (purchased seperately) On my previous Throrens, and current AR. I believe all I used to set up my turntable was the cartridge manufuacturers template, and the basic instructions from the TT manual for setting Anti-skate, tracking force etc... What tools should I get to make sure I get everything setup right. There seems to be a wide range of scales, protractors, etc... available at an equally wide range of prices.

What really is needed and any recommendations on the most cost effecient easy to use tools?

Thanks in Advance,

I use a mirrored alignment protractor that cost $20, and a Shure VTF scale that was around $20 too. A small round bubble level is needed for leveling the table, and can be gotten from any hardware store for a few dollars.

That's all I ever needed.

There are some nice expensive protractors out there like the old Dennesen and the current Wallytractor, if you want to spend more money. Also, you can spend up to $500 on a ultra-accurate digital scale if you want to.
Tom is correct, you don't really need expensive tools to do a very credible job of setup. Some of the settings, especially VTA, is something you will want to hone in by ear anyway.

On the subject of scales, the Shure gauge works fine in most all applications. Make sure you get the non-magnetized later version, though. I recently bought a small pocket digital scale that works very nicely, indeed, and is accurate to 0.01 gr. It is a bit more than the Shure gauge, but not on the order of, say, the $500+ they want for the Winds scales. I think I paid $63-something with all shipping included. I tested it with a 10gr, 25gr, and 50gr weight and the scale read them all dead-on. Please find the link below (there are others, of course).
I second Twl's protractor and 4yanx's scale.

I prefer a small straight level to a round one. You can check levelness (leveltude?) between any two points, like any two feet of the TT. You can also spin the level 180 degrees to make sure it's accurate. Can't do that with a round one.

Read the FAQ's on Vinyl Asylum for a complete education on TT/arm/cartridge setup.