Cable Influences: IC SpeakerCables Power Cord?

I recently upgraded my speaker cables from Audioquest Slate biwire to Acoustic Zen Hologram II biwire. (one of the audiogoner's favorites) in search of hugh increase in transpareny. ($200 cable to $1100 cable). The improvements are mainly in the following area: speed, tiny details and a more extended treble. I started hearing nuances in the background and instrument that I have not noticed before. Each individual instrument is more distinct and the treble has more snap. Remarkably, the overall presentation & tonal balance of the music did not change at all. I feel that this is a small step forward but probably not worth $600 (used). Does interconnects exert a bigger influence generally and power cables are even less significant? I know this is system dependent but I am asking this if this is generally true?
Ayre CX-7 CDP
Kimber Silver Streak IC
Cary SLP 308 Pre-amp
Nordost Red Dawn IC
Audio Research VS 110
B&W Signature 805s
Rule number 1 in audio: No component or cable downstream from the signal can make up for any problems that are in the signal.

Basically a general system signal path is the following:

Source + AC cord
IC from source to preamp
Preamplifier + AC cord
IC from preamp to amp
Amplifier + AC cord
Speaker cable

I use Component + AC cord because in reality, a component's sound has the sonic signature of it in addition to the cord you plug it in with.

Thus, if you have bad power, this will not be able to be fixed by any component down the signal path.

If your Source + AC cord has problems, you cannot correct them downstream.

Etc... etc...

In general the more transparent a system is, the more it will be affected by any one degradation in the signal path. I can make my system sound absolutely horrible changing out just one AC cord.

Some people claim that cables make little to no difference in audio. I respond to them, you have not heard your system entirely hooked up with excellent cables and AC cords. Then try changing out one of the cords or cables.

These rules being laid out, I would consider (if you have good power) to upgrade you power cables 1st. You probably will not believe the sonics one can obtain from great AC cords. Next upgrade IC. And lastly upgrade speaker cables. This is effectively starting upgrading upstream then working your way down.

Cables and cords are notoriously the most neglected components in many systems. I personally would rather have a $30k system that had great cables in it than a $200k system that used awful cabling.


Good perspective. If I want to start with a good power cord for my source, do you have any recommendations? Say, $150 range? Per your logic, I'm sure Glai would be interested too.

KF- I couldn't have said it better myself!

BTW nice to see a few posts from you in the last few days :^)