Cable Influences: IC SpeakerCables Power Cord?

I recently upgraded my speaker cables from Audioquest Slate biwire to Acoustic Zen Hologram II biwire. (one of the audiogoner's favorites) in search of hugh increase in transpareny. ($200 cable to $1100 cable). The improvements are mainly in the following area: speed, tiny details and a more extended treble. I started hearing nuances in the background and instrument that I have not noticed before. Each individual instrument is more distinct and the treble has more snap. Remarkably, the overall presentation & tonal balance of the music did not change at all. I feel that this is a small step forward but probably not worth $600 (used). Does interconnects exert a bigger influence generally and power cables are even less significant? I know this is system dependent but I am asking this if this is generally true?
Ayre CX-7 CDP
Kimber Silver Streak IC
Cary SLP 308 Pre-amp
Nordost Red Dawn IC
Audio Research VS 110
B&W Signature 805s
Since my first cables upgrades I've known that good ICs will usually produce graeter improvement in a system than good SCs. More recently, I found that PCs are even more important and produce a greater improvement than ICs. No component will perform to its potential with dirty power. A reasonablely priced? PC that I like is the Audience powerChord; $379 for six feet, $321 for three feet. But, consider using a digital PC on any digital component.
I would recommend you audition Chris VenHaus' PC's. Excellent cables and sound at a very reasonable price. HIs Flavor 4 cyro'ed's are stunning.
Thanks for the feedback. So like everything else in the system, I guess a budget of $150 is not going to cut it, huh. Man, "just when I thought I was out...they pull me right back in..."

Seriously, how about the Blue Circle BC 61/62, Kimber PK 10, Audience, or AC Master coupler? I've heard good things about them. Anyone?... Anyone?...

Stevenkc, it all depends on what you want. You should try before you buy or at least buy at such a good price point that you can sell without loosing too much $$$.

Truthfully, if I had not heard better AC cords in my system, I probably would still be using stock cords. I went for many (too MANY) years oblivious to the affect of power cords on sound.

The best advice I can give is never insert a component or cable or cable in your system you CANNOT afford. This especially goes for AC cords! Because once you hear it, you might not want to give it up... And if you are forced to give it up, your system sound will cause pains in your gut everytime you hear it.

One good rule of thumb is if you put good AC cords on all of your components, that sound will probably exceed one stellar cord on a single component. OFC mileage may vary.