Top phono cartrige to match jfrech's system ...

Please click on my system link first. I'm looking for a cartrige to upgrade from my Helikon. Also, I'm going on a buisness trip to Japan soon. I'm hoping I can buy something over there just a little cheaper-but this is not a requirement.

My system weaknesses are, just a little cool in the midrange, just a little hot on the top end and images could be a little rounder. Strengths are excellent detail, excellent bass definition, very quiet, transparent etc. I'm using Amperex 7308's in the phono stage. Telefunkens sound better...but are noisier. Bad trade off I think.

The only other possible upgrade is to a Aesthetix Rhea or Io. Maybe even the depth charge cap upgrade on my P10SE. My BAT Phono is great with outputs around .5mv...anything much lower and I'll have to use the transformers. Which I think cut down on quality some vs going direct to the input tubes.

My thoughts, and I wish I could audition these in my system, but I doubt I can...

Lyra Titan
Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum
Dynavector XV-1 or XV-1s

Any others? Any comments on why I'll like/dislike the above? Thanks for your help !
The 'Gonner to whom I sold my OL Illustrious is using it with a 90X and I will try again to have him post his impressions here.
Personally, I feel the Shelter 501(0.4mv) is in every way as good as a Helikon, but has some differences in sonic character, and sounds more like the Koetsu sound than the Lyra sound. I feel the Shelter 901(0.5mv) is definitely ahead of the Helikon, but the 901 has less of the Koetsu "magic" than the 501. The 901 is a more "straight ahead" type of cartridge, but it has lifelike detail, and great bass response. I don't know about the 90-X(0.6mv), except what I have heard said by others, which was that there was a small improvment over the 901, but enough to be significant. I also agree with David(4yanx) that the ZYX R-100 Fuji or R-1000 Airy are superb cartridges that are equal or possibly better in certain areas than the Shelter 901.

I have not heard the Titan, so I cannot comment on that.

I think that the Koetsu Rosewood Platinum is a very fine cartridge, but it has a very low output, and you'll have to use your transformers for that cartridge. From what I've heard, the Koetsu cartridges are much less expensive in Japan, so they could be a very good deal for the money.

All-in-all, it is kind of a nice predicament to be having to decide between all those super-good cartridges. I am envious.
I think one of the high end Koetsu platinums, (like the Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum you suggest), would work well. My turntable dealer uses the SME 30 and he only ever uses Koetsu Cartridges. (I think he is now using the "tigers eye" Koetsu cartrdidge.)

One thing though, make sure your phono stage is up to the task, as it has a low output of 0.2 mv.

I use the Koetsu Black, and I am very happy with it. In fact, as it has now broken in, I am considering delaying upgrading to my next cartridge, (the Koetsu Urushi), as this is really sounding good. (That way I can pay for it, instead of putting it on the credit card!) No matter what though, I will keep the Black as a backup cartridge.

Good Luck in your search!
I upgaded from a Helikon to a Titan and teh improvement was
significant in every respect, including better focus, greater transparency and more body, more refined top end. The thing though which really sold me is that it has real slam and presence. I always liked the Helikon but thought that it was a very polite cartridge. This is definitely not the case with the Titan. Given your speakers, the Titan would play to their strong suit. You may want to speak with Jim Meine at Epic Audio in Houston who is a dealer. I would not buy this as a gray market item as the importer will not warrant them.
Hi Jfrech,
Do yourself a favor and listen to Cartridge MAn Music Maker. You'll be able to drive it direct w/o a phono stage and it will fit your descriptions above while coplementing the weaknesses. A real sleeper of a cart IMHO.