Theta Data Basic Mk II

Would appreciate any experience for those who have used the Theta Data Basic Mk II transport and which digital cable you used together with it and why!
Thanks is advance!
I guess it's the basic Varidig (AES/EBU) Retail $700.00. But can usually be had for around $300.00 at auction. I have a little bit of a problem describing the sound of a cable when it's connected to $10K in gear out to 5K speakers. Not to exclude another 2K in mit cabling. I have compared this cable to the Classe cable that came with the DAC and the Kimber. The stealth sounded the best. It was not a huge difference like when you upgrade to a pricer pre-amp. Just a subtle difference like what you would get from a tweak. There is good dynamic range, great bottom end,very clear and transparent ETC...ETC... But for the most part I always had that anyway. Now it seems like it's a couple of percentage points better. I'd love to tell a tall tale of some dramatic life changing alteration a new cable had on my system. The fact is it is a good cable and very compatible with the rest of my gear. End of story.
Hi Glen,
Thank you too for the info! So many good cables! I'll really have to try them out and have a ball of a time!
By the way, is your Stealth Varidig with the WBT rca connectors!
The AES/EBU is a three pin connector. Looks like a balanced connector except for digital connection. Bal. being analog.