VPI Scout or Michell Technodec?

So, let's say you have about $1,800 to spend. Would you go for the the VPI Scout with the the Dynavector Cartridge or a J. Michell Technodec with Rega RB-300 arm and a Grado Platnium cartridge?

If you are the adventorous sort you should go for Gerts mod. I have heard that the heavy orbe platter with the denso damp isn't all that its made out to be too. Especially the denso damp. The platter might be a good upgrade though. That might give you the upgrade you want without changing decks. You might also consider the newer power supplies from Michell. When I had my first Gyro SE it had the AC motor and I upgraded to the QC powersupply which as a very significant improvement. There is the VC power supply or the new never-connected power supply. I think artech lists the never-connected as an Orbe upgrade, but I believe the arctech tech told me it can be applied to a Gyro too. Other than that, I'd consider getting a top flight cartridge from Japan as another possible source upgrade option. One more idea that just occurred to me is getting a custom Gyro specific Neuance shelf from http://www.neuanceaudio.com/
"...the heavier the platter, the slower the reaction, eventually being heard in the bass frequencies, where rhythm lives, and is consequently destroyed."

I strongly suggest you consider the "Creature on Steroids". Take this from a hardcore salsa fan...


"Guys: The reason I norrowed the search between the Tecnodec and the Scout is because I can't really afford the next step up, so even the entry-level teres is out.
/I guess I was hoping to here from those who have directly experienced these two TTs and might be able to relate how they compare."

I apologize for not having the information you seek. I guess my point was that with a little looking around and a little luck, you _could_ have the next step up even on your quoted budget. For instance, say you find a used Gyro at $1200, add an OEM250 from here on the 'Gon and upgrade the couterweight (there a few to choose from) at $300, and spend the remaing $300 on the cart of your choice--Clearaudio, Dynavector, Shure, and Grado all make excellent ones; I'm partial to the Aurum Beta and Beta S, having owned both--and voila, awseome setup within your bedget, and plenty of room to upgrade later. Alternately you could forget teh weight upgrade and sink the extra hundred into the cartridge...you get the idea. Alternately you could get a new VPI MkIII plus the 250 and cart at your budget, and that would certainly be no slouch, either--and none of it would have to be used, that way.

Just food for thought--again please accept my apologies for not being able to answer your questions directly, but hopefully this helps you in some way :)