VPI Scout or Michell Technodec?

So, let's say you have about $1,800 to spend. Would you go for the the VPI Scout with the the Dynavector Cartridge or a J. Michell Technodec with Rega RB-300 arm and a Grado Platnium cartridge?

I have a Technodec coming in a day or two. Once I have it up and running for a few days, I will post my impressions.


Just received my Technodec tonight and set up. My initial impressions after 2 hrs. max. are favorable. Compared w/ the Nottingham Horizon I had last fall, I think the Techno maybe has greater extension on both HF and LF, but perhaps not quite the "body" of the Nottingham in the midrange. Granted, I only have a $60 or $80 Grado on it (can't recall which model and no longer have the box), compared w/ some more expensive cart. I have used in the past. (I used Clearaudio Virtuoso, VDH MC10 and Goldring elite w/ the Gyro, and kept the Elite for use w/ the Horizon, but also had the inexpensive Grado as backup for all three tables.) I think perhaps the Techno doesn't have quite the extension or sweetness on top of the Gyro SE I owned for a year, or the same degree of attack on notes -- the Gyro was clearly a big step above the Horizon in that regard and of course better than the Techno. Also, keep in mind that I'm now using $700 quad 11Ls as speakers, compared w/ Ref. 3A de Capos w/ the Gyro and Living Voice Auditoriums w/ the Horizon. Having heard a Spacedeck a couple times (though in unfamilar but very expensive systems) and having owned a Gyro SE for a year and the Horizon for about 6 mos., my personal view is that Michells have slightly more extension on both ends, but Notts may be preferred in a system that needs a little more body in the mids. JMO.

Dirty: After reading Tlh28's initial impressions of the Tecno, I think that you have offered some good suggestions. I just bought a nice VTL phono stage, and I think that it will be able to handle everything that the Gyro can throw at it. Hopefully, I will be able to find a Gyro for around $1,200 (which is what a new Tecno with a 250 is going for). Then, try to find an RB300 or modded 250 for 2 or 3 c-notes. Perhaps a Grado Sonata or a Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood (I'd like to buy 'em both used and swap 'em out). That would push the $2k envelope, I reckon.

I guess this means that I have to work a few more overtime shifts. Ultimately, the difference, comparing used to used, would be around $1k to get started. I have already been a couple of months without a TT; I'll just have to deprive myself a 3 or 4 months longer.

Thanks, everybody, for your input. I'm determined to go for the Gyro. I think now that if I bought the Tecno, I'd always be thinking, "I wonder what that Gyro sounds like?"

Yeah, do the upgrade now.
I just got my tecnodec. I am using it with a Denon DL103 and Trichord Dino phonostage. On first impressions. Super fast (even compared to the P3), much more detail that the Rega. I'll post more once I get to listen longer.
Also: I have seen some good offers for the tecno on audiogon recently. Right now the table without arms seem to go for around $600 (for 1 month old). Can't be beaten at that price....
I wonder how a Tecnodec with Tecnoarm would compare to a Gyro with RB250?