I'm Not Flexible

I am looking for suggestions for a great power cable under $400 for a CD player that is very flexible. Garden hoses need not apply. What do you think?
JPS Labs Digital AC Power Cord. $349. Hard to beat.


I had great luck on digital front end with the Eichmann Xpress cord.

I would also otherwise recommend the TG as well. You might even get a deal on a used HSRa ior HSRi.
Check out the ION cord, only $150 US. Ribbon type and is very flexible plus it compares to much more expensive cords.

Nathanu--you can try getting the KWorks cord through A-goN member Bigkidz, I think he's distributing them. I use them along with TG Audio SLVRs in my system, both excellent cables. KWorks is one of our NJ Audio Society members, that's how I came upon them.
Don't underestimate the Granite Audio power cords. I have not tried the real high end ones, but this cord made such a differance that I won't be shopping for another for quite a while.