phono cable suggestions..

any suggestions on phono interconnect cables ?

i have tried a few interconnects and have read that phono cables are a different animal... any suggestions would be appreciated ( rca to rca)

thank you,

I'm having success with Nordost Red Dawns. My equipment is: VPI Scout, Shelter 501 II, Graham Slee Evevator EXP, Graham Slee Gold MKV. The clarity and transparency is phenominal, and I'm not getting interference.
I'll strongly second the Music Boys, although they're no longer identified by this name at Starlink. The 6-footers are identified as being from Petra Industries, the 12-footers still may carry the Music Boy ID. These are fabulous cables and not just "for the price." Thanks to Johnnantais for recommending them to me months ago.

I've rewired my entire system (including phono links to my 3 turntables) with them, displacing Kimber KCAG, Audioquest Lapis and Diamond, Mapleshade, and Omega Mikro wires. They're that good. But they sound better reterminated (Bullet Plugs, Cardas, etc.) and best of all without RCA plugs at all. Anybody interested in how to do that may feel free to contact me. Dave
Forgot the most important part. At Starlink these are identified as COMPONENT VIDEO CABLES, which means, among other things, that each set includes 3 cables rather than 2. The last time I looked, the 6-footers were $8.95 and the 12-footers were $11.95. No kidding, these are the real deal.
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I find it interesting that no one is asking you what kind of cartridge you are using. If its a MM cartridge you have to take into consideration the resistance of the I/C to insure that you have a good match. If it is a MC you want to take into consideration its capacitence (along with any other loading the cartridge may need, usually via resistors at the phono pre amp). But, hey, what the hell, for MC cartridges I use Cardas.