Is my DVD player POSSESSED?

My theta DaViD is starting to act strange. It refused to read a DVD the other night. It made 3 clicking sounds then spit the disc out.(So much for that movie) It worked ok on the next two or three movies,then last night it spit out another movie after the picture started freezing and skipping.(About half way through) I have checked these discs in another player and they work fine. The problem occurs in the same place every time. I have wiped the disc and have ruled out any problem with the software. Any easy fix short of sending the piece back to THETA? (Currently 6 week turn around time) Thanks in advance
I had this problem with a Panasonic DVD player. When I had it serviced the technician said there was a problem with the laser, and this was not the first time he had seen it. No problem after the laser was replaced.
Glen, I have thought about sending it back. I haven't tried things like cleaning the CD's though. Many are old, and have minor scratches. For some reason, the Theta skipped much more when it was new than after it had been burned in. Until it spit out that one CD last night, I had figured the occasional skip was not enough of an annoyance. Now, I suppose I'm wondering again. I think I'll discuss it with my dealer (the unit is only a month or two old). If the dealer suggests any of these are typical problems for Theta, or ones that can easily be fixed, I'll probably send it in, 6 weeks or not. I'll let you know what he says.
Someone e-mailed me this, it's good info so I thought I would add it to this thread. Thanks Dave.

Hello, you are not alone. Although I do not own the unit you have,I have
experienced this on a number of DVD players I have owned including the DVD5000
Denon and Pioneer Elite DV09. The Sony 7000,7700,9000es that I have had are the
only ones I did not experience it on. NAD has issued statements on the condition
and it has to do with the readability of the discs themselves as they are
produced and by which studio and can also depend on the player itself. I sent my
DVD5000 back to Denon and they put in a new laser mechanism. The NAD statement
indicated their commitment to try to improve/update their players as needed to
prevent such performance glitches. The other night I rented a dvd that pixelated
and finally froze up, I gently wiped it off and it played through the same part
then staggered through a few more scenes without audio and finally cleared up
and continued playing fine. This was the DV09. Apparently there are a few
factors. Good luck. Maybe contact Theta and see wh!
at their theory is. Dave