more major players jumping on the sacd bandwagon

this looks less and less like another betamax exercise to me. how do you interpret the latest news? see:

Of course it's not necessary to have all-in-one machines, although it would be convenient and more marketable.

The point regarding VCR vs. DVD is that people perceive a need for this "new" product. By the by SACD is still relatively unknown, as is the improvment in sound.

I guess for me there's no question that the sound of SACD players/software is better. ...But the questions that trouble me are WHY and HOW? ...As others have stated it may have more to do with the hardware than the software. If not... why then would the sound of redbook CD's played on these players also improve?

Lastly… WHY should anyone here believe that SACD will be any more popular/successful than XRCD, HDCD, Mobile Fidelity or the likes of any of the current high end recording companies?

For years MoFi and others have offered better sound - at a price. ...And in general these companies JUST survive; or as MoFi did they go under. Yes… Sony is BIG and won't go under, but why would you expect the buying public to understand, appreciate, want and pay for the differences that Sony/SACD offers? The Gen-pop haven’t evolved THAT much. …Suddenly become more digital-conscious…? Maybe this time round they'll wake up and appreciate it? NOT! Obviously I’m cynical. …It just seems like an awful lot to expect.

SACD might be successful but unlike VHS vs. Beta - Sony's gotta play ball

as an aside, I own recordings made in the various formats I have listed and appreciate them all to verying degrees.
if software[Pink Floyd,Dire Straits,Eagles etc.] was available in SACD I would not hesitate to buy this technology. the software is the problem.
As I stated 6 months ago, I worked for a major IC chipset manufacturer, and they anticipate REDUCED demand for SACD support chips by 2003.

Now, I received some very ugly responses to the above statement six months ago. Well for those of you who decide to attack me again; "GO POUND SAND, THESE ARE FACTS JACK , NOT MY OPINIONS! I'm just trying give you guys some inside information. Stop trying to shoot the messenger!"

Does this mean that SACD won't be here? NO. It does mean that the supporting manufacturing industry is NOT as confident of SACDs success, as many of the "SACD is definately going to make it" supporters on this site.

At this point in time the SACD format has not been established as a viable playback format that will exist years from now. (Again, I am not stating my opinion, I am just forwarding the opinion of the manufacturing community. Please do not attack me for giving you this information)