the unaccompanied voice

i’m partial to a cappella singing in a several genre. i’m hoping i’m not alone in this and, thus, seek recommendations of such performances from my compatriots on the ‘gon. let me begin with a listing of a few recordings that are among my favorites:

• fairfield four; almost anything, but particularly “standing in the safety zone” and “I couldn’t hear nobody pray.”

• the persuasions; “frankly a cappella” (a tribute to zappa) and “might as well” (a tribute to GD)

• the bobs; “...cover the songs of”

• “the unaccompanied voice” (secretly canadian cd)

• the roches; “the roches”

• chanticleer; “colors of love”

• anonymous 4; “11,000 virgins” (hidegard von bingen), also , not quite a cappella but beautiful “voices of light” (richard einhorn)

please share some of yours.

You seem to have covered all the bases Kelly. I would add all the Persuasions' albums - I think my favorite is called We Came to Play, the first Bobs lp and Anonymous Four's Lily and the Lamb, engineered by one of my Harbeth friends.


How about a wonderful plain chant? Try "A Feather on the Breath of God" with Emma Kirkby. Hyperion CDA66039. Engineered by Paul's and my e friend, Tony Faulkner, of Green Room Productions, UK.

Another recommendation is "Musica della Cappella Sistina" (Music of the Sistine Chapel,) Tavener Consort, on EMI
CDC7 47699 2.

One more: "Laudate!," featuring Anne Sofie von Otter, on Proprius. PRCD 9100. (This has some 17th century instrumentation, but is a winner. I promise.)

Music that could move an athiest!

Charlie, I only find one of your recs at Amazon. Do I have to go to Borders?

Sadly, I find I'm only interested lately in classical or music with a driving beat. I still haven't opened the last Alison Krauss cd, bought on Sept. 10.