the unaccompanied voice

i’m partial to a cappella singing in a several genre. i’m hoping i’m not alone in this and, thus, seek recommendations of such performances from my compatriots on the ‘gon. let me begin with a listing of a few recordings that are among my favorites:

• fairfield four; almost anything, but particularly “standing in the safety zone” and “I couldn’t hear nobody pray.”

• the persuasions; “frankly a cappella” (a tribute to zappa) and “might as well” (a tribute to GD)

• the bobs; “...cover the songs of”

• “the unaccompanied voice” (secretly canadian cd)

• the roches; “the roches”

• chanticleer; “colors of love”

• anonymous 4; “11,000 virgins” (hidegard von bingen), also , not quite a cappella but beautiful “voices of light” (richard einhorn)

please share some of yours.

I've been a fan of Alison Krauss since she was a teenager. Have all of her lps/cds including the Tony Furtado cd with "I Will." When I listen to Heaven's Bright Shore on the second or third or fourth lp (have it on cd) I am always thankful that she shares her gifts with us. Sweet, sweet girl, a gift from above.
Three all-time favorites, all are lovely -

Poulenc, Musique sacree - Harmonia Mundi France HMC901588

Ancient Echoes - Chorovaya Akademia - RCA Victor Red Seal 09026-68055-2 (Russian choral music that shows what a bass should sound like, and how to sing the dissonances that trip every western chorus trying to sing this music)

El Canto Espiritual Judeoespanol - Alia Musica, Harmonia Mundi Iberica HMI 987015 - not entirely vocal, but the a capella vocals are very good

And if you like the Persuasions, try the new one on Chesky, singing Beatles hits - Chesky JD220.

Good (great) listening!

The Proprius selection can be bought from May Audio:

I think the others were available through Tower and CDNow.
The original Nylons. The early vinyl releases are very good...I never heard them live but friends of mine have. The current lineup is not as good IMO....but their early stuff....pretty awesome.The Persuasions....ummmm, I'm going to have to check them out....happy listening
Recommend Lassus', Motets (Hilliard Ensemble (ECM)). For something a bit different. Also (within the "different" vein) Tchaikovski, Liturgy of St. John (EMI) -- or any other Orthodox liturgy compil. Cheers